Last Friday, I had the privilege to meet with one of our old Scouts. Frank is 90 year old and first joined, as a Cub, in 1930! He and his friend Bill stated out at Longport Cubs and Scouts, but when they were Scouts, the Troop closed and the came ‘up the bank’ to my Troop.
He stayed with us until he was called up to serve in the army in World War 2. However once war had broken out, he and his fellow Scouts helped out as messengers with the ARP and then latterly served in the Home Guard, before serving in the regular army. Sadly, his pal Bill was killed while serving in the Navy and he told me the names of two other Scouts who were also, sadly, killed. I’m just in the process of researching them.
He told me what activities they got up to and they basically did the same as we do now! Hiking, swimming and camping etc.
The Scouts with Porthill Guides in 1940
He was very pleased to chat about his time in the Scouts and greeted me by shaking my left hand! He said he really enjoyed his time in the Scouts, but it was a shame his Scouting was interrupted by the War.
The other interesting thing about chatting to him was that he can remember the grocer’s shop that my Grandma ran. He told me that Mrs. Wellings (my Great Grandmother) was a nice lady and that he could remember Miss Wellings (Grandma) serving behind the counter! Nice to know they are remembered after all that time.