Family Camp

At the end of our first family camp, I talked to a few of our parents and guests. The general opinion was that it had gone well and everyone enjoyed themselves. But it was interesting to hear some of the comments.

One father told me he was a bit bored in the first hour or so of the camp and had wondered what he had let himself in for (this is the time when we’re all running round setting everything up!). Then when the programme kicked in, he said he didn’t get chance to look at his watch again and really enjoyed himself.

Another asked how we managed doing a similar camp with just the Leaders and no other help! And another said that she didn’t realise that there was so much involved in a camp.

It’s nice that the parents have now realised that camps and activities don’t just ‘happen’ and they are a lot of work.

But the most common comment was ‘when are you doing the next one?’. So I guess we must have done something right!

That was the first family camp we’ve ever done and in view of the parent’s comments, not the last! I’m just typing up a questionnaire that our Cub Leader wrote to get the parents reactions and thoughts so the next one is better. Of course, the one thing we won’t be doing next time is making it free! Being 100 is a very special occasion and demanded we do something special. However if we start planning for our 200th birthday now……..!