Advising About Relationships etc

The Scout Association have launched new guidance to promote good sexual health among young people. Of course this has opened up a whole can of worms and the media are going silly saying we’re all going to be handing out condoms! You can read one of the less sensational stories on the BBC here and the actual article from the Scout Association here.

Now of course, we’re not giving sex education, that is the job of their parents and schools, just advice if asked by our young people. This is mainly going to affect the Explorer Leaders. Sensibly the SA have issued a fact sheet which covers all areas. In a nutshell, we are to point our young people in the direction of the relevant professionals

To be honest, this is a very sensible thing to do. These type of questions are likely to be asked by young people as we are probably seen as more approachable than parents or teachers and we as responsible Leaders need to be able to give accurate and unbiased advice.

I wonder if any parents say anything at Scouts tomorrow night.