Local Politicians

It's now nearly four months since the local council elections and things haven't settled down properly! In the elections for our Borough, quite a few Labour Councillors lost their seats and they lost control of the Council. It is now run by the Lib Dems and the Conservatives.
The trouble started on election night itself, when one prominent Councillor lost his seat. Apparently he did not offer his congratulations to his successor, but just stormed out in a major sulk. At a community forum meeting I recently attended a Borough Councillor who is also a County Councillor was trying to push all responsibility for local issues onto a newly elected Councillor because she is from a different party.

The problem with the Labour Party and its Councillors is that they think they have the divine right to rule in Newcastle. What they seem to forget is that it is the local residents and voters who give them their jobs and they are the ones who take them away when they don't like what their Councillors are doing.

It's time they stopped spitting out their dummies and grew up!