
As with most things in life, insurance is necessary even for Scout Groups. As a Group we have bought, over the years, plenty of expensive kit. Tents, cookers, tables, craft stuff etc. all costs money and if there were a fire at the Hall, for example, then it would all need to be replaced. Therefore we have insurance!

Irrespective of whether the kit is insured or not, it can be replaced.

When Leaders are doing Scouting activities, they are insured by the Scout Association. But not for very much. However, Leaders can get additional insurance for a small extra cost.

Last year, our Group decided to take out this extra insurance for each of the Group’s Leaders. If people are going to give up considerable amounts of their own time to run meetings and events for our young people, then it’s not too much to ask that the Group increases their level of insurance. At £7 per person, it doesn’t break our bank.

If your Group appreciates their Leaders then give them the extra insurance!