Cub Camp, Beaver Sleepover and Disappointment!

This coming weekend our Cubs are off to camp with another local Pack from our old District. We’ve been doing a joint camp with them for quite a few years now and it’s always an enjoyable weekend and the Cubs make new friends and renew old friendships. As the camp is always close to Guy Fawkes Night we have fireworks on the Saturday night as an end to the Campfire.

As well as the Cubs camping the Beavers are doing the first sleepover the Colony has done. The Beavers have done sleepovers with the District before, but this is the first time we’ve done one! Judging by the programme the Beaver Leaders have come up with, the Beavers are going to have a great time!

The problem with all this for me personally is that I won’t be there Crying. With the way the date of the camp has fallen with the school holidays, we’re off for a week away – the last one before our daughter is born in fact! So I’m disappointed that I’ll miss what promises to be a great weekend for the Beavers and Cubs, but I am told lots of photos will be taken (they better had be!) and I know we’ll have a good holiday.

2 Replies to “Cub Camp, Beaver Sleepover and Disappointment!”

  1. Every Scouter deserves a weekend off! Hope you enjoyed it…. and good luck for the birth of your daughter. Is this your first child? Wishing you all the best.
    Yours in Scouting
    Akela Joy

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