Oh dear, we're having a world cup themed day at work today. How depressing…….. |-)
Some random thoughts
Oh dear, we're having a world cup themed day at work today. How depressing…….. |-)
I've signed up to theyworkforyou.com so I can see what our local MP is saying in Parliament.
I report with great sadness to the Prime Minister that, following the local elections and a bit of bed-hopping by the Liberal Democrats, Newcastle-under-Lyme is being temporarily led by the Conservatives. In the past 20-plus years Newcastle has been well served by Labour leaders—Mike Brereton, Eddie Boden and David Leech—and I wonder whether, in this novel situation, the Prime Minister can help me out. By which yardsticks would he judge this new, Tory/Liberal Democrat alliance in my area, however temporary it may be?
The point of that was what exactly? What a total waste of time saying that to the PM. Political points scoring I suppose.
Thing is, Labour controlling the Borough Council were a total waste of time. All they seemed interested in was saying how great they were and making a complete pigs ear of the Borough. I just hope the Conservative / Lib Dem people are better!
Mind you they'll probably get sold off ASAP if their Chairman has anything to do with it. Allan Leighton was the Chief Executive of Asda who sold it to Wal * Mart and then did a runner with all his cash! Asda went downhill after that (well took a nosedive to be honest).
Trouble is that I'm doing this lesson as a favour to the school and getting paid a damn site less than a teacher. Unfortunatley, if your not a teacher in education, you're considered not as good, as worthy or not worth as much money as a teacher. Of course, without support and technical staff, schools would grind to a halt.
Also why is it non teaching staff cannot become management?
Carol came into the kitchen this morning to tell me that there were workmen in our back yard! So I went out and asked if I could help them. They were there to do work on an adjoining wall between us and next door. Seems they have some damp.
Basically they only care about themselves.
Now I appreciate that they have to have work done to sort out damp, and have no problems with them getting it sorted. BUT, they should ask first. I should have told the workmen to go away!
Oh we had fun last week. We decided that our fridge was on too much, so it was time to buy a much more energy efficient one. So off we went, found one we liked, bought it and got it home. We waited for 4 hours for it to settle down, turned it on, on came the light and motor and then off they went went! We'd got a lemon. So it got sent back and after a lot of faffing around, we got another! It worked!
All that for a fridge…….
Well the first England game is now being played, it's very quiet on the roads outside and I'm not watching it!
For this reason, from the 01 June 2006, drivers who are found to be driving badly, inconsiderately or both, will be issued with flags (white with a red cross).
These flags must be clipped to the door of the car and be visible to all other drivers and pedestrians.
Those drivers who have shown particularly poor driving skills will have to display a flag on either side of the car to indicate their inadequacy and general lower intelligence mindset, for one and all to see.
Please circulate this information to as many other motorists as possible, so that everyone is aware of the meaning of these flags.