The Alternative Promise

The SA have announced the following –

The Scout Association (TSA) has launched an additional alternative version to the core Scout Promise in order to officially welcome atheists into the Movement.

Following an extensive 10-month consultation process within and outside of the Movement, TSA has introduced an additional alternative version of the Scout Promise that can be taken by those without a faith for the first time in its 106-year history.

See the rest of the article here.

The wording of the new Promise for atheists has been announced today. And I think it’s not a bad thing. The main Promise stays as it is but this is an alternative and

Scouting remains fully committed as a Movement that explores faith and religion as a core element of its programme.

I think they’ve done the right thing and not dropped faith  as the Guides have done. The announcement has had a positive reaction from both faith leaders and the British Humanist Association (see the SA’s article). Shame the National Secular Society have to be a bit grumpy about it –

“At the same time, we think the Girl Guides’ response to this issue was infinitely superior. Their approach relieves young people of having to make a decision about what they believe at a time in their lives when maybe they haven’t decided.”

Thoughts / comments?