Each year, every Scout Group, District and County has to collate various bits of information (mainly numbers of people in each Group etc.) so that the Scout Association knows how many Scouts there are in the UK and so they know how much to charge us for capitation fees.
Our Census for this year has now been completed and we have 88 members of the Group this year, which is 1 more than last! Through the past year there has probably been more people in the Group, but a lot of Scouts have recently left for Explorers! Of course with a lot of Scouts come a high capitation cost. If I’ve got my sums right(!), its going to cost the Group an eye watering £2464 this year! However, Scouting is very cheap to parents when compared with, say, football clubs or dancing schools!
It’s great that we have so many in the Group (the most ever I think) and this is testament to the great programmes run by all the Leaders for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts!
Well done 1st St Andrews Porthill on growing. I hope all the subs have been collected, bag packing done and the money in the bank to provide another great year of scouting.