
Why is it people say that they will help out with Scouts, sound really interested and enthusiastic and then suddenly drop out?

I've had this happen 4 times this year and it's starting to get annoying. Either you want to help or you don't, just don't string people along!


Last night we went to one of the local working men's clubs as we had been promised a donation from their ladies darts team. Now I have to admit, I was not looking forward to it as working men's clubs are not my cup of tea. However, we were made welcome and when it came to the presentation, I went up and was given a sealed envelope. Inside was a cheque for over £600!!!

I was gobsmacked. I was expecting around £50 – £100. 😮

Last night’s AGM

Wow, what can I say? I was wrong (see here) ! We actually had some parents turn up!
Actually, it was a good evening and the Cubs and Beavers really enjoyed playing football and the fact they got a medal as well!
See the Scout Group link for more…….. 😉

Old Friends

My old Scout Leader popped round tonight to catch up with me. Now this may not sound very noteworthy, but as he was headhunted by Caltech nearly 20 years ago (ouch- that long???) and now works for the University of Chicago, he doesn't pop by too often. Apparently it's something to do with the commuting :-D.
Anyway, it was good to see him again and have a good chat. It was a shame we didn't get longer as the last time I saw him was at my wedding and I was a bit busy that day!