Dull but Necessary!

Last night I went to our District's Executive meeting to agree our budget for the next 12 months. This was not the most exciting 2 hours I have ever spent, but it needed to be done. For an organisation to run properly and successfully, it needs effective administration.

Tonight is our Group's Executive meeting which will be a bit more enjoyable and relaxed, but no less necessary. But this time we get biscuits as well as a drink!


Ok, perhaps the title was a wee bit mean spirited, so perhaps it should have read 'Meetings'.

Anyway, at tonight's Executive, we were pleased to welcome a new parent to the committee and we came up with some interesting ideas for the Group in the future. It was a positive meeting and we all came away having made good contributions.

So some meetings can be dull, but necessary and others can lead to interesting discussions which result in good ideas for future activities for the Group and its continuing longevity.