
On Tuesday I had to leave Scouts early as Carol’s Mum is in hospital and Carol had gone to visit her and I had to pick up Carol at the end of visiting time. So instead of my uniform I put on my Group T-shirt, which we wear for camps and when some identity is needed but uniform isn’t necessary, and normal trousers.

But last night I got to thinking, why didn’t I wear my uniform? I’m not embarrassed to wear it, all my friends and most of my work colleagues know what I do in my spare time. Perhaps I subconsciously didn’t want to be bothered with those people who mock and criticise Scouting and a T-shirt is less obvious, as long as you ignore the big badge on the front!

Thinking about it, I must be a bit personally embarrassed for not being me.

I suppose I shouldn’t really give a damn what others think if they are that stupid or narrow minded.

Bit of food for thought really. What does everyone think?

2 Replies to “Uniform”

  1. Oh you know what I think ….
    I think that wearing the Scout uniform is an honor and I never hide my envolvement within Scouting and in public.
    My Truck has a big sticker on the back window that say.. “I’m Proud of my Scouts”.
    Never be ashamed put Scouting in the face of the Public.. THEY NEED SCOUTING!.. Someone has to make this world better.. it’s going to be Scouts.

    Have a Great Scouting Day!

  2. I know what you mean Jerry.
    I have a Scout sticker in the car also, so I never hide the fact. It’s just odd that I decided not to wear uniform that day.
    Must have had an off day!

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