Just a quick reminder that any podcast I do is available through iTunes, so please take a look and have a listen!
And now the question. If a review or a rating is left on iTunes do you get any notification?
The reason I wonder about this aloud is that as I access iTunes through the UK store (naturally), when I look at the PTC Media shows, for example, none have any reviews or ratings. I know these shows do have lots feedback (& quite rightly so). This makes me wonder that if any of my friends in the USA have left any feedback etc. for me, how do I know?
This isn’t a ‘please leave me lots of great reviews’ type thing, but just a genuine interest to see if the UK and US iTunes stores are ‘separate’ when it comes to free podcasts.
If anyone knows the answer please let me know (feedback, contact form, email, carrier pigeon……).
I was just over to the iTunes page, and I couldn’t see anywhere to leave a comment…but, for what it’s worth, keep it up!!